June 14, 2010
2010 Asian odyssey: Shanghai World Expo, Kuala Lumpur, and more! (Part 3)
By Simon J. Lau
Over the past two days I’ve visited Beihai Park, Jingshan Park, and the Temple of Heaven. Both Beihai and Jingshan are adjacent to the Forbidden City, but Jingshan offers an elevated view of the surrounding area. Unfortunately, there was so much smog that we could only see a few city blocks in front of us. After exploring the parks, I returned to the night market to take pictures and show a friend all the unusual foods available.

This is the view of the Forbidden City from the top of Jingshan Park. After visiting six parks so far, I’d have to say that this park probably offers the best view in all of Beijing (not the nicest looking park, but the best views). Also, it was extremely humid that day, so no matter what I did to cool off, I continued to sweat profusely.

Finally, I got a little adventurous at the night market and tried sheep testicles. I can’t say I was a huge fan. In fact, it tasted somewhat gamey and a bit bland, so I wasn’t really too enthusiastic about eating it. However, how often do I get to eat this in the states? Not often, so I had to give it a try!
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