This entry is part 15 of 39 in the series Mandarin Immersion

May 29, 2023

Mandarin Immersion (Part 15)

By Simon J. Lau

I visited Wulong Karst, a region known for its beauty and prominent karst landscape. Three Natural Bridges, one of several protected areas, was made internationally famous by Transformers. These natural bridges are the largest in Asia.

Longshuixia Gap, a gap-style gorge, is another area in Wulong. The gorge is 5km (3+ miles) long, but the walking tour is only 2km (1+ miles). This trail includes many unique views of springs, streams, and waterfalls. It was a very neat place to visit!

Finally, for dinner, I witnessed something (unfortunately) all too common in San Francisco, but uncommon in China: A very public argument. I couldn’t tell you what the old man was angry about, but he was raging. Eventually, he walked away, and I continued to enjoy my noodles. 🍜 (Only noodles pictured.)

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