April 21, 2023
Baja Bound 2023 (Part 17)
By Simon J. Lau

Today, I left Guerrero Negro for Cataviña. I had to say goodbye to Renegade (who I discovered already had the name Burrito 🌯). I asked the front desk folks if anyone owned him, and when it was clear no one did, I offered to pay a worker to regularly feed and water him.

This suggestion, however, ran afoul with the manager. She said I could have him, but didn’t want him being fed and watered at the hotel. Little did she know I had been doing so for days. 🫣 I clearly couldn’t take him, so I fed Burrito one last time, and bid him farewell. Buena suerte, Burrito! 🌯

One thing, among many, that I appreciate about Mexico is that practicality trumps formality. For example, I’m often allowed to park my moto in ways that improve its security. Previously, at this hotel, it was in front of the entrance. Today, it’s in front of my room.

Since Loreto, I broke from sobriety and enjoyed drinks each day. However, I’ve realized I enjoy sobriety more than drinking. Today, in one of my favorite places, Cataviña 🏜️, I decided to enjoy my last drink (for now). 🍻 This was where I chose to have it. So peaceful.

When I grabbed dinner, I saw this decal and it resonated with me. When I’m old and frail, I hope to look back on my life and feel that I lived a truly great story.

Finally, my route from Guerrero Negro to Cataviña (239 km or 149 miles).
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