Coast-to-coast: San Francisco to Savannah (Part 1)
By Simon J. Lau

This morning, we set off on our coast-to-coast journey! My plan is for us to be on the road for most, if not all, of April. During the first half, I’ll primarily follow the Southern Pacific route via US 80, formerly known as the Dixie Overland Highway. This East-West highway system was the first of its kind in the U.S., stretching from San Diego to Savannah. Although much of the western portion of US 80 has been replaced by other highways, I’ll generally stick to the original route. On my return, I’ll be taking a combination of routes, including large portions of what was Route 66. At least, that’s what the plan is for now.
I should mention, even though this is a family photo, it’s just Bruno (the dog on the left) and me. (That’s the “we.”) Jean has to stay behind for work, and Benny, as much as I’d love to bring him, is getting old. I’m concerned he wouldn’t cope well on this wordwind adventure.

Today, I chose to take US 101 from San Francisco down to Oxnard. While I’m less acquainted with the 101 compared to the 5, I found it to be a more enjoyable route. It winds through what I’d consider to be more interesting cities and towns, including Monterey, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo. I also appreciate the rolling hills and lush landscape.

California has also begun renovating many of its rest stops. The one I visited today was among the nicest I’ve seen. There were new bathrooms and four solar-powered EV charging stations. Additionally, there were pet specific areas for dogs, but also signs warning owners to be aware of rattlesnakes. 🐍 As a kid, we lived near a river and a rattlesnake once made its way to our home and bit our dog. Our dog lived, but I’ve since always hated rattlesnakes.

At the same stop, I stumbled upon this fantastic spot beneath a shaded area. Before continuing, Bruno and I took the opportunity to indulge in a much-needed nap. 😴

Upon arriving in Oxnard, I had a few moments before sunset to capture these photos along the beach and nearby. If you look closely, you can see the Channel Islands far in the distance.

Finally, our route from San Francisco to Oxnard (363 miles or 584 km).
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