This entry is part 10 of 22 in the series Baja Bound 2023

April 14, 2023

Baja Bound 2023 (Part 10)

By Simon J. Lau

I made it back to Bahía Concepción and checked into an Airstream! I couldn’t help myself. The owner, Francesca, is from San Diego, and she manages the property with her brother. It’s a cute space and I liked it so much that I already extended my stay!

They had a lot of animals on the property, including Trixie (dog) and Charlie (cat). Trixie made her first appearance in front of my Airstream, let herself in, then proceeded to follow me a mile down the road to dinner and the beach. I’d take her home if I could. 🥰

For dinner, I hit up this fish taco restaurant by the beach. Surprisingly, it’s the best fish taco place I’ve had in Baja so far! I also got greedy and ordered a shrimp quesadilla. It was too much, so I shared my meal with Trixie.

Besides all the fun, food, and games, I also had to make modest repairs to my motorcycle. I realized when riding here that my rear brake lever was bent (from the fall the other day). I had to bend it back in place. Now it’s 💯.

Before heading off to bed, I offered Trixie room inside the Airstream. However, I suspect she’s a stray dog turned camp dog. She’s still more comfortable sleeping outside, so that’s where she stayed last night.

I finally saw the inside of Mission Loreto. I was the only one there this morning and had the whole place to myself. It’s always comforting inside the four walls of a neighborhood church, and it was a nice farewell for me before I left town.

I also had my first encounter with farm animals on the highway. Everyone on the forums mentions this as a road hazard, but this is the first time I’ve seen these animals alive by the highway. Usually, they’re dead by the time I come across them.

Finally, my route from Loreto to Bahía Concepción (107 km or 66 miles).

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